Awesome! One RT Stop Smoking in Desa Bukit Gajah Riau
Pekanbaru, a community in the village of Bukit Gajah in Kecamatan Ukui, Pelalawan Riau, towards a healthy and clean life. Uniquely, besides committed to not smoking in the house, there is one RT in there cigarette addicts stopped completely. Wisdom for the sake of healthy living, conducted since September 2016 and the establishment of Healthy Family Protection Commission (KPKS). KPKS as a complaint place. Residents who violate the rules of smoking in the house will be reprimanded directly by the Chairman of KPKS, Aiptu Djoko Susilo as Bhabinkamtibmas village lokal.Dari 930 Head of Family (KK) there, there was recorded a RT of cigarette addicts cease toll. This after they get education about the danger of smoking from the District Health Office Pelalawan. Added by the Regent of Pelalawan, M Harris issued a regulation forbidden smoking in the office area and education. Pelalawan Regent's Regulation, M Harris, which has been running for more than two years, was warmly welcomed by local villagers. They managed to make a no smoking agreement in the home for the health of their families who do not smoke. Even so, in this village even in RT 04, Sukamaju village about 40 families (KK) who agreed to quit smoking. Whereas previously, the fathers 80 percent of heavy smokers.Read also: Control of Successful Cigarettes, Lung Doctor in Padang Panjang 'Unemployed'Lewat education about the importance of health, since the formation of KPKS citizens by themselves quit smoking.Adalah Marianto (41) local villagers one of which total stops. Whereas before, he admitted heavy smokers are tolerant every day spent tobacco packaging bars itu.Sejak I was given counseling about the danger of smoking, I quit now. Only about 5 months, said Marianto.Marianto admitted, he had been smoking since the age of 20 years. This means that for 21 years the father of two people become active smokers. Alhamdulilah with a strong resilience I can stop totally, he told detikHealth.Begitu also with Mulyanto (35) local residents. The father of two also quit his bad habits since the age of 19. Though everyday he can spend two packs of cigarettes. With the village counseling he also included residents RT 04, who now 'forbid' cigarette.Sudah walked 6 months no longer smoke. At first after every meal kecarian want to smoke, sometimes I change candy. It seems there is a missing if not smoking, so initially that I feel, said Mulyanto.Walau felt heavy, but lately Mulyanto can live life without smoking. He felt himself more plong again than when cigarette addicts.Badan I was once skinny, just kerempenglah. Alhamdulilah, since quitting smoking, my body can be more contained again, said Mulyanto.The villagers' agreement to not smoke indiscriminately, certainly welcomed the mothers. They have been annoyed if her husband smokes in the house and does not dare to admonish her. Now since there is a village rule we should not smoke in the house we are happy. If my husband smokes in the house, I am angry and he is now smoking outdoors. Because now there are no smoking rules in the house, said Sutriani (45) housewives of local villagers.According to Sutriani, with the new rules can report to Bhabinkamtibmas and Babisa if there is a husband smoking in the house, his fathers are now not reckless smoking.Now my husband's cigarette shopping began to decrease. Because when it comes to the house did not dare to smoke. Whereas once while watching TV cigarettes continue, said Sutriani.Dia hoped, someday her husband can stop smoking. Cigarette funds, he said, are still better for school fees or for household needs. Now my husband has less smoking, so if it can stop completely. We strongly agree that there are village rules and regulations of the regent that prohibit smoking indiscriminately, "said Sutriani. The Pelalawan district head, M Harris said, is very appreciative of the villagers who are determined to live clean and healthy, especially not smoking in rumah.Semoga in the future, the villages others can imitate the village of Bukit Gajah who has a strong commitment to healthy and clean living, said M Harris.Dia will also impose more strict rules, especially in the offices in the scope Pemkab Pelalawan. Harris did not deny that there are still many civil servants in the workplace who still carelessly smoking. It should be the village of Bukit Gajah exemplified by our community in urban areas. Especially the civil servants in the environment where we must also be aware of health, and should be ashamed of the villagers who are more committed about healthy and clean living, said Harris. Read also: Winding, Dr Hasto Bawa Kulon Progo Smoke Free Road (up / up)