Saturday, December 30, 2017

Genetische factoren invloed hebben op het risico van endocriene afwijkingen, waardoor het uit

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Genetische factoren invloed hebben op het risico van endocriene afwijkingen, waardoor het uit


Jakarta, het endocriene systeem is een groep van organen die haar hoofd functie is om te produceren en vrij van hormonen om het evenwicht in het lichaam van de stofwisseling. Het endocriene systeem moet dus altijd in goede conditie gehouden. Volgens Dr. Indra Wijaya, Sp. PD, m. Kes, specialist op het gebied van ziekten van het endocriene systeem, inderdaad op ieder mens altijd werkt prima, maar er zijn bepaalde voorwaarden zoals genetische factoren en omgevingsfactoren die met interfereren kunnen de de verstoringen van de hormoonhuishouding systeem. Het is zo moeilijk. Dus dat is waarom als er iemand in de familie lijden schildklier ziekte, schildklier ziekte riskeert hebbend zijn nakomelingen, als iemand diabetes dan zijn nakomelingen kreeg risico blootgesteld aan diabetes, zei Dr. Indra Wijaya, Sp. PD, m. Kes toen chatten met Jakarta. Deze gebrild arts scharnierend, hoewel erfelijkheid onvermijdelijk is, maar het goede nieuws er zijn verschillende risicofactoren die kunnen worden voorkomen met de patronen van een gezond leven. Lees ook: naast hormonen, Tumor Gene afwijkingen en Hypothyroid kan Trigger dwerggroei met kreeg de juiste gezondheidsinformatie, handhaven van gewichtsverlies en gezonde leefstijl, de ziekte wordt verwacht te worden vermeden zei Dr. Indra met optimistisch. In feite, voegt Dr Indra, een dieet of een gezond dieet gaat voor alle preventie en behandeling van de ziekte. Het betekent dat het eten van een gezond dieet met verminderde beignet, kokosmelk, groenten en fruit consumptie vergezeld gaan vervullen de behoeften van vezels en vitaminen. Eet ook niet te hoog calorie, hoge vet hebben. Een uitgebalanceerd dieet alleen. Het kan ons lichaam ook houden van de aanval van de ziekte en ook voor genezing, pungkas Dr. Indra. Lees ook: deze symptomen van schildklier aandoening niet onderschatten, het zou kunnen zijn (hrn/omhoog)

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Le poids du corps est toujours vers le bas, être au courant du diabète

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Le poids du corps est toujours vers le bas, être au courant du diabète


À Jakarta, des gens qui ne comprennent pas si les enfants peuvent aussi être atteinte de diabète, diabète chez les enfants est souvent jusqu'à la fin diakukan et en fin de compte n’est pas conservé. Le poids du corps est toujours vers le bas et bouclée, nommément enseignes facilement reconnaissable de l’enfant diabétique. Pas le même type que les adultes sont souvent affligés par 2 DM en raison de la mauvaise alimentation, diabète que beaucoup progresser chez les enfants c’est le diabète de type 1. Diabète sucré (DM) diabète de type 1 qui a lieu en raison de la destruction des cellules bêta du pancréas. Destruction du pancréas est incapable de produire son corps pour faire sa propre insuline. Dr Aditya Suryansyah, SpA, explique certaines des personnes qui ne connaissent pas de DM de type 1. Généralement, les parents étaient au choc soudain, parce qu’un enfant a du diabète chronique et devrait être pris en charge à domicile malade à cause de l’hyperglycémie. Détection tardive en fin de compte chez l’enfant pas aidé encore une fois et est mort. Les signes plus typiques sur DM tapez1 c'est-à-dire les enfants mangent beaucoup (polifagia), beaucoup d’alcool (polydipsie) et beaucoup de pisse (poliuria). Mais avant l’apparaissent de ces trois signes, généralement des signes naturels désignent l’autre c'est-à-dire rapidement fatigué, ainsi que le poids du corps est toujours un déclin naturel. Aussi bon qu’un point de repère, si tout d’un coup les enfants mangent beaucoup mais inclinaison si mince, qu'il n’y a rien de mal si nous vérifions son taux de glycémie. Ainsi quand chaque douleur nous recommandons que les pédiatres au dépistage de la glycémie. Diabète de type 1 qui est souvent manqué, Dr Aditya Suryansyah, SpA, Secrétaire de la Working Group (UKK) endocrinologie DKI Jaya d’Indonésie pédiatre Bonding, but d’événements médiatiques dans le bâtiment du ministère de la santé, Jakarta, vendredi (18/11/2011). Ce en fait jusqu'à présent il y a eu aucun chiffre n’est certainement liées au nombre d’enfants que porte le type 1 DM en Indonésie. Mais selon les données de l’endocrinologie UKK, jusqu’en octobre 2011 montant est prévu pour un enfant avec un environnement de développement 724 240 nouvelle question/th. .. En cas de type DM 2, insuline pancréatique est sympa, bonne masihlah, insulinnya yg médiateur de chargeurs n’était tout simplement pas bon, en raison de l’hypertension ou l’obésité à l’insuline ne fonctionne pas de façon maximale. Type 1 DM, endommager son pancréas, qui est un outil qui produit l’insuline. Jusqu'à ce que l’enfant prend l’insuline de dehors, le coût de la durée de vie peut atteindre 1 million par bln., la lumière du Dr Aditya. Le Dr Aditya décrit type que 1 DM peut provoquer le virus, l’enfant est souvent malade, auto-immunes et génétiques. Mais plus provoquer DM type 1 aspects soit génétique, à savoir l’environnement 90 %. DM type 1 peut attaquer les enfants allant de la naissance, les nourrissons ou les enfants, mais l’âge moyen de la DM 1 chez les enfants de 6 à 10. .. Enfants sont frappés avec DM type 1 nécessite l’insuline à vie. Quand DM rapidement détecté et peut diakukan par le bien, donc les enfants peuvent grandir comme des enfants (sans tout DM), mai insulinnya, l’origine de la façon dont les athlètes sont toujours proches, Dr Aditya.




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Thursday, September 7, 2017

Natural ways to lower Cholesterol

Natural ways to lower Cholesterol


Cholesterol Disease Jakarta, is one of the threats to everyone. In fact, cholesterol is a natural substance made by the liver and is essential to ensure the proper functioning of many nerves and hormones. But excess cholesterol can increase the risk of stroke. Offered from the Women's Daily Magazine, cholesterol levels can be lowered by following natural ways: 1. Nut-kacanganKacang known to lower cholesterol levels naturally. Walnuts, cashews and almonds are the best way to reduce cholesterol levels. But beans are also high in calories, so it must be wise in mengonsumsinya. 2. Avoid trans Fats should be avoided as TransLemak increases bad cholesterol and lowering good ones. Most commercial packaging found in foods or fried foods. Trans fats increase the risk of heart attacks and can cause death. 3. Do not MerokokBerhenti the smoking can greatly increase HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol. This not only increases the good cholesterol but also helps lower blood pressure and risk of heart attack. Read also: Lebaran arrived! Make A Note Of The Message Used To Be A Doctor In Order To Keep Cholesterol Terjaga4. CoklatCoklat is the most delicious antioxidant function to easily improve the growth of good cholesterol. The most antioxidants obtained in dark chocolate (dark chocolate). 5. OatmealSangat it is recommended to start the day with the intake of fibers, one is the oatmeal. Oatmeal is composed of fibers that turns into a gel after coming into your body and not only give a sense of satiation would but also interfere with the digestion of bad cholesterol from the body. 6. OlahragaBerolahraga is the most important thing so that the body remains healthy. Exercise is believed to increase the levels of good cholesterol and lowering bad, also increases the blood flow in healthy as well as to lower blood pressure. At least 2-3 hours of exercise a week to ensure exemplary cholesterol levels. Read also: list of people who Have the risk of Cholesterol Tinggi7. Pretty TidurTidur ideally during 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep not only increase bad cholesterol but also increases blood pressure and increases the desire to eat. So each time staying up, remember that heart at stake by allowing an increase in bad cholesterol. 8. Wood ManisSetengah tablespoons cinnamon can increase good cholesterol in the body. Cinnamon can also memperenak the taste of food. There is no harm in giving seikit cinnamon powder on food. 9. ZaitunMinyak Olive oil is believed to lower cholesterol levels because it is enriched with unsaturated fatty acids which not only lowers the bad cholesterol but also gives the effect of pruning on the stomach. Olive oil can be used for cooking vegetables or salad 10. Foods containing KedelaiMakanan containing soy food is low in saturated fat and can lower the cholesterol levels. There are several types of special proteins in soy that helps the body regulate kolesterolnya. Eating soy or consume food made from foods such as soy milk, tofu, and other really can help lower cholesterol levels. Read also: Developed! Vaccines to Prevent Cholesterol heart disease (up/wdw) cara minum kopi hijau


' Lock ' It's Essential You Have If It Is To Have A Healthy Eating Pattern

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' Lock ' It's Essential You Have If It Is To Have A Healthy Eating Pattern


Jakarta, apply a healthy diet as part of a healthy lifestyle must have had a wide array of benefits to health. Well, if you want to implement a healthy diet, there are several ' key ' to be owned. What's it? The key to starting the first healthy food consumption is an understanding of the quality of the food is more important than quantity, said Nutrition Expert Lagizi Indonesia, Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD. According to Jansen, you should know what is required by the body, and then adjust with the diet. Thus, a healthy lifestyle can be applied effectively. According to Jansen, good carbs can give the necessary energy for daily activities. Meanwhile, rich protein and fiber intake can help muscle growth and digestion. Increasing fruit and vegetable consumption are colorful as well highly recommended, given the many fruit and vegetable contain vitamins and minerals that are good for the body. Not only the quality of the food diasup, Jansen warns that how to process food can also affect nutrition and food quality. Armed with knowledge about good nutrition and the supported by the solution and the right equipment, every family in Indonesia can live healthier lives by making food or putting together a daily menu for families, said Jansen. Speaking of food portions, according to the number of food servings Jansen everyone varies, depending on several factors. In between gender, age, daily activities, special physiological conditions such as pregnancy and breastfeeding, then whether that person is in the form of healthy or are in a time of healing. When consuming food, application of importance reminding Jansen mindful eating is called is more important than the calculation of the calories consumed. The reason, the concept of eating mindfully teaches one to focus and conscious at the time packed with flavor, aroma, texture, and color of the food. Jansen revealed these methods can help a person no longer complained of what is eaten. Read also: You need to know, take your own food is more SehatLantas, what if the child is fat and to lose does it weigh the child asked Dieter? Not recommended doing the diet although the child belongs to the fat. To overcome this problem is to add physical activity on a regular basis, he said. Because, when forced dieting, can lead to psychological problems like eating disorders or behavioral disorders consumption. For example, afraid to eat or quite the revenge by eating as many (binge eating) when mature. The health and well-being of every individual has always been a major focus for us in developing any innovation. With the advancement of technology, motherhood and more creative anyone can prepare healthy meals at home as a lunchbox, said Maria v. Simanjuntak, Senior Marketing Manager, Philips Personal Health Indonesia in the affidavits are accepted. Through our social media campaign that brings the #BekalSehatKita, we would like to encourage everyone, especially the mothers to prepare healthy with the right portion to be brought to school or to the Office. We believe that healthy life starts from home, added Mary Read also: this ' lock ' so that Children have a healthy eating Pattern into adulthood (rdn/up) kopi hijau untuk diet


Friday, September 1, 2017

Body weight of Newborn kok down?

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Body weight of Newborn kok down?


Jakarta, day dock, I have an infant aged 6 days. Time is born it has heavy early 2, 9 kg, but the time was 6 days he had a body weight of 2, 8 kg. What is true when the optimum body weight decrease (20%) in the newborn was normal? Thank you. Roni (Married Man, 32 years old), roni. hendrawan @ gmail. comTinggi 165 cm Body and body weight 53 kg. JawabanPada new baby born, so the amount of liquid ekstraselulernya is getting more than the intracellular fluids. This sort of thing to lead to evaporation system is getting a lot more progress than in children who are getting bigger. Generally the time 5-7 days old baby would take place and no sense of body weight reduction can achieve 10% of the total body weight of the time of birth. Then the development of the baby's body weight would quickly so add. So if the body weight of the baby's mother's birth that is 2, 9 kg as well as time 6 day body weight so 2, 8 kg (down 100 gr), so this kind of thing show me the child's mother was none problems. Dr. Aditya Suryansyah SpARSAB Our Expectations, It Jln Let Jen. S. Parman Kav 87, Slipi, West Jakarta, Telp 5668284RSIA Fruit heart, Jln Putra Aria 399, Beautiful Sarua, Ciputat, Tel. (021) 74639229 or 74632222. (ver/ver)