Thursday, September 7, 2017

Natural ways to lower Cholesterol

Natural ways to lower Cholesterol


Cholesterol Disease Jakarta, is one of the threats to everyone. In fact, cholesterol is a natural substance made by the liver and is essential to ensure the proper functioning of many nerves and hormones. But excess cholesterol can increase the risk of stroke. Offered from the Women's Daily Magazine, cholesterol levels can be lowered by following natural ways: 1. Nut-kacanganKacang known to lower cholesterol levels naturally. Walnuts, cashews and almonds are the best way to reduce cholesterol levels. But beans are also high in calories, so it must be wise in mengonsumsinya. 2. Avoid trans Fats should be avoided as TransLemak increases bad cholesterol and lowering good ones. Most commercial packaging found in foods or fried foods. Trans fats increase the risk of heart attacks and can cause death. 3. Do not MerokokBerhenti the smoking can greatly increase HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or good cholesterol. This not only increases the good cholesterol but also helps lower blood pressure and risk of heart attack. Read also: Lebaran arrived! Make A Note Of The Message Used To Be A Doctor In Order To Keep Cholesterol Terjaga4. CoklatCoklat is the most delicious antioxidant function to easily improve the growth of good cholesterol. The most antioxidants obtained in dark chocolate (dark chocolate). 5. OatmealSangat it is recommended to start the day with the intake of fibers, one is the oatmeal. Oatmeal is composed of fibers that turns into a gel after coming into your body and not only give a sense of satiation would but also interfere with the digestion of bad cholesterol from the body. 6. OlahragaBerolahraga is the most important thing so that the body remains healthy. Exercise is believed to increase the levels of good cholesterol and lowering bad, also increases the blood flow in healthy as well as to lower blood pressure. At least 2-3 hours of exercise a week to ensure exemplary cholesterol levels. Read also: list of people who Have the risk of Cholesterol Tinggi7. Pretty TidurTidur ideally during 7-8 hours. Lack of sleep not only increase bad cholesterol but also increases blood pressure and increases the desire to eat. So each time staying up, remember that heart at stake by allowing an increase in bad cholesterol. 8. Wood ManisSetengah tablespoons cinnamon can increase good cholesterol in the body. Cinnamon can also memperenak the taste of food. There is no harm in giving seikit cinnamon powder on food. 9. ZaitunMinyak Olive oil is believed to lower cholesterol levels because it is enriched with unsaturated fatty acids which not only lowers the bad cholesterol but also gives the effect of pruning on the stomach. Olive oil can be used for cooking vegetables or salad 10. Foods containing KedelaiMakanan containing soy food is low in saturated fat and can lower the cholesterol levels. There are several types of special proteins in soy that helps the body regulate kolesterolnya. Eating soy or consume food made from foods such as soy milk, tofu, and other really can help lower cholesterol levels. Read also: Developed! Vaccines to Prevent Cholesterol heart disease (up/wdw) cara minum kopi hijau


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